God's gamble with Creation and the greening of our Theologies: Council of Christians and Jews

From July 05, 2020 15:00 until July 05, 2020 17:00

The Australian Council of Christians and Jews invites you to a web conference:

God's gamble with Creation and the greening of our theologies

Date: Sunday 5 July 2020      Time: 3pm
Location: online link will be provided when it becomes available


  • Rabbi Fred Morgan AM: Rabbi Morgan will highlight the threats to creation arising from human “domination” vs human “custodianship” of the created world - reflective of the stories of Creation in the Book of Genesis. The “gamble” has to do with God’s allow-ing humanity the freedom to understand creation in our own ways. It focuses attention on the thin line between manipulation and protection of nature.
  • Dr Emmanuel Nathan: Dr Nathan’s presentation will reflect on five years of Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter Laudato Si and bring that into con-versation with the greening of theology.

Register now at ccjvic@bigpond.net.au 

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