Faith Communities unite to say NO to family violence and violence against women (02/05/2024)

The Faith Communities Council of Victoria (FCCV) has issued the following statement on the prevention of family violence and violence against women:


On Wednesday May 1, 2024, the Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC) hosted a multifaith service in Parliament. Here is a post from Viv Nguyen, VMC Chairperson.

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Faith community leaders met on the steps of State Parliament in Melbourne today to express their support fort the Victorian Jewish community, and to speak against antisemitism and all form of hate.


Source: JWire

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Pope Francis reiterated the importance of a closer collaboration between the Church and Buddhists to address the pressing challenges facing our broken world today.

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Source: Vatican News

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An inauguration ceremony of the country’s national Bahá’í House of Worshipwas held on Saturday May 25 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.


Source: Baha'i News

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Still going strong after retirement, Pam Mamouney, Jane Furey, and Margaret Lenan Ellis are each committed to making friends of all faiths and unifying their respective Australian communities.


Source: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

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Over the last decade in Broken Hill, the city's Sufi community has become more prominent, with the establishment of the locally revered Sufi Bakery, as well as an Islamic study centre and a Sufi bookshop.


Source: ABC

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In response to a push by some parliamentarians to end the recitation of prayer in the Victorian Parliament, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli has joined representatives of Victoria’s faith communities in writing to each member of the Victorian Parliament.


Source: Melbourne Catholic website

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