Multifaith Future Leaders Program 2017: Anti-Defamation Commission

On June 05, 2017

The B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) is accepting nominations for its:

Multifaith Future Leaders Program 2017

Date: Monday 5 June 2017

The Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) is a harm prevention charity, dedicated to promoting tolerance, justice and multiculturalism. This amazing event brings together young adults from various faith groups to:

  • Build leadership skills in young people who are identified as future leaders of their faith communities
  • Provide them with knowledge and positive experiences about people of other faiths
  • Build networks and make positive connections

Applicants should be aged between 18-30ish

How do you know if the Multifaith Future Leaders Program is for you?

  • Are you a member of a faith community — Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Baha’i, Aboriginal or Atheist?
  • Are you a dynamic young person, approximately 19 to 30 years and see yourself as a future leader of your community?
  • Are you keen to learn leadership skills that will help you become a better leader?

If so, you may be eligible to join the Multifaith Future Leaders Program.

Participants begin with a one day leadership training workshop and commit to ongoing contacts with future leaders from other communities. They join in leadership training activities and discussions with other people from different faith backgrounds. Applicants will be chosen on what they can contribute to the program, their commitment to interfaith understanding and their demonstrated potential as future leaders.

To register your expression of interest, click here

Cost: There is no cost to the participant – lunch and dinner is included.
Contact: Edna Lipson | Development and Project Manager, B’nai B’rith Anti Defamation Commission | (03) 9272 5677 |


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