Ecological Aspects of War - Religious Perspectives: Trinity College Theological School

From September 28, 2015 08:45 until September 28, 2015 17:30

The Trinity College, Whitley College, Yarra Institute for Religion and Social Policy and University of Divinity would like to invite you to:

Ecological Aspects of War | Religious Perspectives from Australia

Date: Monday 28 September 2015       Time: 8:45am to 5:30pm
Location: Trinity College Theological School, Trinity College, Royal Parade, Parkville
A one-day symposium to consider intersections between war and ecology, through the lenses of religious social teachings and sacred texts, representative of the multi-cultural and inter-faith constitution of contemportary Australian society.
Keynote presentation: "Planet Earth as a Victim of War" by Dr Jenny Grounds.
With papers in two streams.
Stream 1: Engagements with sacred texts
Stream 2: Religious and theological perspectives
More about the Keynote Speaker: Dr Jenny Grounds is past president and current vice-president of the Medical Assocation for Prevention of War, the Australian Affiliate of IPPNW, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War.
Registration costs: Full $40, Concession $30, Skype $15 (you will be supplied with a url and password via email nearer the date. This option is suitable for International and Interstate participants)
Onsite participation is encouraged. Video-conferencing via Skype will also be available for the plenary sessions and Stream 2.
For Bookings,click here. Bookings limited to 80 people. Registrations close on Friday 11 September 2015.
Contact: Anne Elvey

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