Landlords who refuse to rent homes to Muslim tenants and employers who shun Catholics or any other religious denomination will be committing an offence under a proposed widening of the race-hate laws.
Source: The Daily Telegraph
Ayaan Hirsi Ali's upcoming speaking tour to Australia is not the first time she has visited the country, but it's the first time there has been significant public opposition, as a group of high-profile Australian Muslim women have launched a petition against the outspoken Dutch-American activist, claiming she "does not speak for us."
Source: SBS
The restored tomb in which Jesus’s body is believed to have been interred after his crucifixion will be officially unveiled at a ceremony at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem’s Old City.
Source: The Guardian
Freedom of thought, speech and religion are among a list of individual freedoms to be recognised as part of Australia’s first multicultural statement to redefine the country’s national identity.
Source: The New Daily
Max Conlon loves painting the Bible. The well-known Aboriginal artist from the Kabi Kabi tribe in Cherbourg, Queensland, sees his biblical paintings as a tool to serve God and share Christ.
Source: Eternity News
Satbir Singh Kahlon is an Officer Cadet in the Australian Army Reserve based at Melbourne University Regiment. He previously worked for the Australian Defense Force as a Multicultural Ambassador.
Source: Indian Link
Naw-Ruz, also spelled Nowruz as well as other variants, is an ancient Persian holiday celebrating the new year. It is one of only two festivals mentioned by Zoroaster in the Avesta, the holy Zoroastrian scriptures. It is also celebrated as a holy day by the Baha'i Faith. In addition, other Iranians (Persians) also commonly celebrate it as a secular holiday.
Source: Thoughtco
Conservative government MPs are still champing at the bit to change Australia's race hate speech laws despite a parliamentary committee's failure to make a recommendation on section 18C.
The joint committee on human rights has made 22 recommendations, tabled in the lower house on Tuesday, to be considered by the federal government.
Source: Sky News
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