20181210buddhistBuddhism has a reputation for being a peaceful religion that emphasises kindness to animals and vegetarianism. But is this reputation warranted? Does it accurately represent the Buddhist position on animal welfare?

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Source: ABC

On Sunday November 18th, approximately 265 people gathered at St. Alban's Comunity Centre for the 2018 Victorian Interfaith Networks Festival. The event was hosted by the Brimbank & Maribyrnong Interfaith Network and the City of Brimbank, in association with the Faith Communities Council of Victoria.

20181203stuartbatesonVictoria Police Commander Stuart Bateson says the Bourke Street attack was "a crime of one man" and wants to continue to work with and protect the state's Somali and Muslim communities from backlash after the attack..

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Source: SBS

20181209jewsforjesusBob Mendelsohn has been wearing 'Jews for Jesus' slogan T-shirts since bell-bottoms were in fashion — the first time around.

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Source: ABC

20181208UNbahaiThe United Nations General Assembly's Third Committee called on Iranian authorities to end ongoing human rights violations against the Baha'is in Iran.

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Source: Baha'i World News Source

20181206schooliesAustralia's first all-Hare Krishna Year 12 class is shunning traditional Schoolies Week celebrations in favour of a trip to India, while vowing to forgo sex, alcohol, drugs, gambling and meat.

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Source: ABC

20181205powrToronto, arguably the most diverse city in the world, was recently host to the seventh Parliament of the World’s Religions.

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Source: Faith Today

20181207turbansTejpartap Singh, or "Tej" as he's known to friends, has been obsessed with turbans since childhood.

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Source: ABC

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