On the evening of Wednesday 18 May 2011, Boroondara Interfaith Network participants and community members shared in the knowledge, creativity and stories of the Faith, Expression and Learning Gathering held at the Ashburton Library.
We opened the event with an offering of song from network member Tzipi Boroda, Rabbinat at the Kew Hebrew Synagogue, with English and Hebrew lyrics focused on peace.
This set the harmonious tone for the gathering as guest speakers, Constant Mews, Hanifa Deen and Michael McGirr gave us an insight into their own journeys and experiences at the intersection of faith, religion, ethics and writing in the context of the multicultural and multi-faith society in Australia. The importance of authentic dialogue and interaction across differences, while maintaining the integrity of ones own culture, beliefs and freedom was a common sentiment.
We were privileged to have Gippsland Indigenous Elder and Art teacher, Auntie Margaret Worn, with us and to hear her personal stories and experiences of growing up in Lake Tyers, of discrimination, the stolen generation, reconciliation and finding a voice and confidence through Indigeous art and culture.The team from Cultural Education and Auntie Margaret led participants in the creation of collective art work – a rainbow serpent patchwork where we pieced together our different perspectives into one united image. While initially out of the comfort-zone for the ‘artisitcally challenged,’ this activity brought us together and helped us think in a different space about our personal beliefs and our diversity. The piece will be displayed at future network events and other Council locations.
We enjoyed a delicious and generous vegetarian supper and each others company in developing friendship through dialogue in Boroondara. We look forward to carrying this spirit of learning and relationship building to our next interfaith event.
Elyse Rider - Community Development Officer, Boroondara Interfaith Network
Boroondara Interfaith Network: The Boroondara Interfaith Network is a network of people from the different religions, faiths and traditions in the City of Boroondara. It aims to create awareness and dialogue through building relationships that nurture harmony, and deepen understanding and respect in the community. All community members are welcome to join the program of events and gatherings. For more information go to: boroondarainterfaith.wordpress.com