We all have a responsibility to keep children safe from abuse. The Child Safe Standards (the standards) apply to businesses and organisations that provide services or facilities for children. The standards require those organisations to implement a range of measures that are designed to protect children and young people from abuse and neglect. The standards help organisations build a culture of child safety, where safeguarding children is part of everyday practice.

The standards have applied to religious and faith-based organisations since 1 January 2017.

Faith-based resources

Earlier this year, the Commission partnered with the Victorian Council of Churches to tailor child safe resources for faith-based organisations, and have produced website content, videos and training material for the faith-based community.

The Australian Council of Churches also provides free on-line training and resources to assist faith-based organisations implement the standards. Training and resources can be accessed on the website www.childsafestandards.org.au

Other resources

The Commission has produced a number of resources to help organisations meet the standards. These include A Guide for Creating a Child Safe Organisation and a number of tip sheets to assist organisations to develop their child safe approach. There is also a tip sheet for parents to help them select child safe environments for their children. Resources can be accessed at the Commission’s website: www.ccyp.vic.gov.au

Child Safe Standards and the Reportable Conduct Scheme

Child Safe Standards and the Reportable Conduct Scheme create distinct sets of responsibilities for organisations, but have been designed to complement one another. Together, Child Safe Standards and the Reportable Conduct Scheme strengthen the capacity of organisations to prevent and respond properly to allegations of child abuse.

Child Safe Standards focus on organisations and what they do to promote child safety, prevent child abuse and respond to suspected child abuse. The Reportable Conduct Scheme is focussed on worker and volunteer conduct and how organisations investigate and respond to suspected child abuse and child related misconduct.

Being a child safe organisation will assist you to have systems in place to meet your obligations under the Reportable Conduct Scheme. Information sheets on the Reportable Conduct Scheme are available on the Commission’s website.

For further information about either Child safe standards or the Reportable Conduct Scheme, contact the Commission

You can also contact the Commission by:

    Telephone: (03) 8601 5281
    Email: childsafestandards@ccyp.vic.gov.au

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