Faith leaders across Victoria have been asked to encourage their local communities to remember people who have been bereaved or injured in road crashes.

Globally in excess of one million people are killed by road crashes each year, and ceremonies of remembrance are held on the third Sunday of November, which the United Nations has proclaimed as World Remembrance Day for Road Traffic Victims. In Victoria, Road Trauma Support Services Victoria Inc (RTSSV), a TAC-funded counselling and education support service, has been organising an annual multi-faith ceremony called ‘Time for Remembering’ since 2001. For the past ten years it has been held at Queen’s Hall, Parliament House, Melbourne, and is supported by the Victorian Council of Churches, the Faith Communities Council of Victoria and the Humanist Society of Victoria, along with a diversity of government and community organisations concerned about road safety issues.


The event aims to provide a supportive and contemplative space with music and song in which some people share their personal stories; poems and prayers are also offered which reflect the diversity of the Victorian community, and candles are lit to remember loved ones. Given many people cannot attend such an event in central Melbourne, and that 50% of fatalities and injuries occur in rural and regional  Victoria, RTSSV invites faith communities within Melbourne and across Victoria to use some or all of the following petitions in events or services of worship on or about November 15, 2015. Local people are encouraged to read the petitions. These petitions have been a cornerstone of the Melbourne event since 2001. Of course, anyone who wishes to attend the Melbourne event is very free to do so. It will be held on Sunday, November 15, commencing 11.45, at Queen’s Hall, Parliament House, Spring Street, Melbourne.

For Road Trauma Support Services Victoria contact:
Suite 2/109 Whitehorse Road
Blackburn VIC 3130
T 1300 367 797

The Bereaved   
I come representing those who have been bereaved through road crashes – the family members and friends who now have only the memory of those they love.
(Brief silence)

We remember with sorrow the many who have died as a result of road crashes. We give thanks for their lives and all that they have meant to ourselves and others. We pray for those who grieve their loss, that they may be comforted.                                                 
We remember them.

Those Injured and their Carers                                        

I come representing those who suffer the continuing effects of road trauma in body, mind and spirit. For them and those who care for them, the pain continues.                                         
(Brief silence)                                                     

We remember with concern those who carry injury and disability following road trauma. We pray for them, and their families and friends who suffer with them and give support and love. May they be strengthened in hope and perseverance.                               
We remember them.

The Witnesses                                                                            
I come representing people who have witnessed road trauma and who are troubled by recurring memories.                                                     
(Brief silence)

We remember with compassion those affected by road trauma, including drivers, who are weighed down by the sadness of what they have seen, heard and experienced. We pray for the healing of their memories.                                                                            
We remember them.

Emergency Services                                                         
We come representing the Emergency Services of Victoria  – Ambulance, Fire Services, Police, State Emergency Service. Our members see the horror of road trauma, and do all they can to save the injured.                                
(Brief silence)                                                                                                                       

We remember with gratitude Victorian members of the Ambulance Services, Metropolitan and Country Fire Services, State Emergency Service and Police who bring compassion and care to those involved in road crashes. We pray for them as they give unstintingly of their skills and themselves to help others.                                                                           
We remember them.

Health and Healing Services                                        
I come representing those who care for the injured in hospitals and rehabilitation Centres. We see their suffering and use our knowledge and skills to help them return to a full and satisfying life.                                                                      
(Brief silence)  

We remember with thankfulness the skill and dedication of doctors, nurses, hospital staff, community counselors and grief and loss services who treat and rehabilitate those injured in body, mind and spirit. We pray for them as they use their knowledge and skills to restore broken lives and instill hope for the future.
We remember them.

The Law                                                                         
I come representing those involved in the making and administration of our laws. Through the law we seek to promote responsible behaviour in all who use our roads, and we strive for assistance for those affected by road trauma.    
(Brief silence)              

We remember and respect those whose responsibility it is to make and administer laws for the sake of us all. We pray for them, that they may have wisdom in making decisions that help shape a just, caring and responsible community. We remember them.

Our Community                                                                  
I come representing the community of which we are all part. Our community is only as strong as the commitment we each give to its wellbeing. We acknowledge the responsibility we share for keeping our roads safe.        
(Brief silence)

We remember ourselves, the women and men, young people and children, who make up the diverse community of our state and nation. We pray that as we use the roads we may exercise patience, tolerance, self-control and generosity of spirit for the safety of our community.
We remember them.

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