On Sunday 4 October, the Jewish Christian Muslim Association Women’s committee held a forum for around 50 women of diverse faiths and backgrounds on the topic of Compassion at the Wellsprings Centre for Women in Dandenong.

The Chair of the women’s committee, Helen Gardner, presented Welcome to Country and introduced the Moderator Di Hirsh. Di Hirsh spoke about the Charter of Compassion presented by Karen Armstrong and presented a short TED talk video on the responsibility of the interfaith networks to spread the message of Compassion, which is a common value among all great faiths of the world.


The panel consisted of three speakers, each representing her faith and the teachings on Compassion based on their respective Scriptures and traditions.

Sue Morgan, a Jewish Pastoral Carer and Hospital Chaplain, spoke about the significance of Compassion in the Hebrew Bible, what it means to practice compassion for the Jewish community and an interesting story to illustrate the relevance.

Dr Merrill Kitchen, a Christian Biblical Scholar, elaborated on the concept by sharing her personal experience of working as a scientist in Israel with people of the three Abrahamic faiths, each practising compassion due to his or her personal beliefs, all in the spirit of humanity.

Reem Hakem, JCMA Muslim School Presenter and public speaker, spoke passionately about the Islamic teachings about compassion and mercy, quoting verses of the Quran and sayings of the Prophet. She elaborated that the way Islam is being portrayed in the media because of the actions of the extremist element within the religion is contrary to its peaceful and merciful teachings.

During the question and answer session, many gave positive feedback expressing a desire to participate in a meaningful dialogue and continue the conversation on the topic of compassion.


After a brief afternoon tea, the guests broke into groups and discussed various topics, specifically focusing on “what are some ways that we can practically exhibit compassion as community groups/organisations in our own circles”.There was a genuine desire expressed by all present to bring about a positive change.

Report by: Ginette Everest, Executive Officer JCMA

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