The MELA Interfaith Association is organizing an Interfaith Pilgrimage to India and is seeking expressions of interest from people wishing to participate in this joint journey. The pilgrimage will take place from Saturday 6 February to Friday 19 February 2016, and will consist of a maximum group of fifteen people.
The purpose of the pilgrimage is to visit religious sites that are sacred to Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity, to study texts from our sacred writings, to discuss points of agreement and disagreement, and so sense the religious experience that is proper to these faiths. In this way, members of the group will truly ‘meet’ each other in spirit. The major locations they will be visiting in this vast and varied land are Delhi, Varanasi, Bodh Gaya and Kolkata.
The group will come together before the trip and also, following the trip, seek to communicate the impact of their experiences with their respective religious communities and the broader community.
The cost per participant will be AUD3900, which includes airfares, train fares, taxis and accommodation. Food costs, travel and health insurance and incidental expenses will be up to the individual pilgrim. Detailed information is available. Please contact John Dupuche, on Mobile: 0417 560 087.
Those interested should provide a written response to the criteria listed below and send their application to the planning committee care of John Dupuche ( before 7 November 2015. The planning committee will select the participants of the pilgrimage according to the criteria; all decisions remain confidential and final.
Criteria for Selection:
1) Before the journey
2) During the journey
3) After the journey
To apply for the trip, please provide a statement with the following information:
Tour Leader: Rev. Dr John Dupuche is a Senior Lecturer in the University of Divinity (Melbourne), an Honorary Fellow at Australian Catholic University, a Member of the Warburton Interfaith Ashram, extensively involved in interfaith activities, and a frequent visitor to India.
More Information: Please contact John Dupuche, on Mobile: 0417 560 087