Victorian Police recently launched the latest component of the Community Encounters Academy training program – a 10 minute documentary showcasing the impact the program has had on participants and their wider communities.

To view this video go to:

More than 4000 police and Protective Services Officers (PSOs) have been touched by the program since it was first introduced in 2009, fostering relationships between Victoria Police recruits and members of the community from a range of diverse backgrounds.

Police Multifaith Community Encounters

The program works a bit like speed dating. Recruits sit down with community participants and discuss their backgrounds, asking questions and establishing points of understanding.

The program allows recruits to engage with people from a range of communities including people from different religious and ethnic groups, people with mental illness, people living with HIV/aids and those from the gay and transgender community.

Acting Senior Sergeant Scott Davis said the program enabled police to work with the community rather than simply policing for the community.

“The community encounters program is integrated early into the recruit’s training schedule, setting the basis for what policing is all about – engaging and working with the community,” he said.

“Policing is not done in isolation. We need input from the community to do what we do.

“The program allows community groups to build relationships with police through the academy and talk through issues they may be experiencing.

The DVD documentary will be rolled out via social media, illustrating how Victoria Police works with the diverse Victorian community and continues to build trust and confidence in all Victorians.

Anyone interested in learning more about the program or becoming a volunteer is urged to contact Victoria Police, or follow the link to watch the DVD online:

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