The Jewish and Christian understanding of the Covenant: Council of Christians and Jews Vic

From February 21, 2016 15:00 until February 21, 2016 17:00

At Temple Beth Israel, 76 - 82 Alma Road, St Kilda, Victoria, 3182

Hits: 1546

The Council of Christians and Jews (Victoria) would like to invite you to:

The Jewish and Christian understanding of the Covenant

Date: Sunday 21 February 2016      Time: 3pm
Location: Temple Beth Israel Magid Resource Centre 78 Alma Road St Kilda

Speakers: Prof Rev Frank Rees and Rabbi Adam Stein
About the speaker:

Frank Rees studied Philosophy at the University of Melbourne and theology at Whitley. He served in a number of suburban pastorates in Melbourne, then undertook doctoral studies at Manchester. For seven years he was minister of the Hobart Baptist Church. Frank is a member of the International Commission on Doctrine and Christian Unity, within the Baptist World Alliance. Frank's teaching and research interests include contemporary approaches to Christology and ecclesiology, and contextual theologies.

Rabbi Adam Stein  became the rabbi at Kehilat Nitzan in August 2011. He received his ordination from The Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, American Jewish University in Los Angeles. He also earned a Master of Arts in Education from AJU. Before coming to Kehilat Nitzan, This will be Adam’s final CCJ presentation before returning to the USA.

Cost: $10 including light Kosher lunch. Tickets at the door. 

If possible please advise attendance by ringing the CCJ office 326 Church Street Richmond 3121 Tel: 03 9429 5212  or Email