International Women's Day Ecumenical Breakfast: Victorian Council of Churches

International Women's Day Ecumenical Breakfast: Victorian Council of Churches

From March 08, 2023 07:30 until March 08, 2023 08:45

At The Manse, Wesley Place, 130 Lonsdale Street VIC 3000

Categories: Event, International Women's Day

Hits: 733

The Victorian Council of Churches invites you to:

International Women's Day Ecumenical Breakfast

Date: Wednesday 8 March 2023     Time: 7:30am to 8:45am
Location: The Manse, Wesley Place, 130 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 

The ecumenical breakfast is open to women in the church - women in congregations, women in leadership. We especially welcome First Nations women able to attend, especially in this important year of the Referendum to enshrine an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice in the Australian Constitution.

All are welcome. 

This breakfast is an opportunity to meet new people and extend friendships, and to hear brief input from interesting speakers. 
A specially prepared menu will be available beforehand. Guests cover cost of own food choice. On arrival, a welcome coffee, tea, juice etc will be provided courtesy of VCC. 

Numbers are limited to 40. Please RSVP as soon as possible.

RSVP: Sandy Boyce | 0499 726 213 | 

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