Compassion Seminar Series 2022: Maroondah Interfaith Network

Compassion Seminar Series 2022: Maroondah Interfaith Network

From June 19, 2022 15:00 until June 19, 2022 17:00

At Melbourne VIC 3000

Categories: Event, Seminar

Hits: 452

Maroondah Interfaith Network invites you to:

Compassion – Seminar Series 2022
Compassion and the Four Noble Truths of the Arya’s

Date: Sunday 19 June 2022     Time: 3pm
Location: Online via Zoom (Meeting ID: 995 4106 8477)

Compassion in the Buddhist Tradition

According to the Nālandā tradition, the Buddha turned the wheel of the Dharma three times—expounding the teachings of the Four Noble Truths, the Perfection of Wisdom, Compassion, etc.
The first and foundational turning disclosed truths concerning suffering and its nature, its origins, and path leading to the cessation of ignorance based on the Eightfold Noble Path. But how does compassion configure in the Tibetan tradition?

Venerable Geshe Sonam Thargye will elucidate the teachings of the Four Noble Truths from the perspective of universal compassion, i.e., the bodhisattva ideal of eliminating the afflictions for the welfare and happiness of all sentient beings. Each Buddhist tradition understands compassion differently, expressing the wish of freedom from suffering in its own particular way. In the tradition of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Geshe will explain the connection between wisdom and compassion, the path leading to happiness, and how we can practice compassion in our daily lives.

The Speaker: Venerable Geshe Sonam Thargye

Geshe Sonam Thargye is Spiritual Director of the Drol Kar Buddhist Centre in Anglesea, Victoria, Australia. He was born in the province of Kham, in eastern Tibet in 1962. After many years of studying Buddhist philosophy and practising at Sera Je Monastic University in South India, he graduated in 1994 with the degree of Geshe Lharumpa. He established residence in Australia in 1998

All are welcome as we explore Buddhist understandings of compassion and kindness.

For further details see or contact Philip Hughes at

This series of seminars has been made possible through a grant from the Maroondah City Council.