Faith Stories 2022: Women's Federation for World Peace

Faith Stories 2022: Women's Federation for World Peace

From March 05, 2022 10:00 until March 05, 2022 15:30

At 42-46 Bartley Rd, Belgrave Heights VIC 3160

Categories: Event, International Women's Day

Hits: 599

Women's Federation for World Peace invites you to:

Faith Stories | Conversations to secure peace through a culture of heart
A cultural perspective of women in their faith; celebrating Women of Faith for International Women's Day
2022 Theme: Prophet Wisdom

Date: Saturday 5 March 2022       Time: 10am to 3:30pm
Location: 42-46 Bartley Rd, Belgrave Heights VIC 3160

We are entering a new era where the role of women as peace leaders in all sectors is needed more than ever. You will have the opportunity to ask honest questions. Are you ready to hear understanding? Are you ready to see the difference between culture and faith? Are you ready to open your heart?

These conversations will start a ripple effect of understanding that will spread and eventually be a catalyst to alleviate unfounded stereotypes hindering community cohesion.

To register, click here


10am -10:30am          Registration and Morning Tea
10:30am - 11:1am      Acknowledgment of Country | Introducing WFWP
11:10am - 12:10am    Faith Stories 1 & 2 (60  minutes) | Catholic Stories by Dr Mary Coloe | Unification Stories by Jynene Hellend
12:10am - 12:30pm    Discussion (20 minutes)
12:30pm - 1:20pm      Group photo and Lunch
1:20pm - 2:50pm        Faith Stories 3, 4 & 5 (90 minutes) | Tao Stories by Anne Fan | Buddhist Stories by Annie Whitlock | Progressive Jewish Stories by Sue Mendelson
2:50pm - 3:10pm        Discussion (20 minutes)
3:10pm - 3:30pm        Closing and Afternoon tea


Elizabeth Banza: our MC from WFWP: 
A Namibian who now calls Australia home, Elizabeth came to further her Master level studies and fell in love with our beautiful giant Island. Liz has 20+ years in the corporate sector and senior management. She has a Bachelor of Communication, a Master’s in Business Administration.

Mary Coloe: Catholic Stories
Dr Mary Colo is Professor of New Testament within the University of Divinity, and a Catholic nun of the Presentation Congregation. She was  part of the founding group of the Jewish Christian Muslim Association.  Her doctorate was on the Gospel of John, and she is the author of a number of books, articles and essays.

Jynene Hellend: Unification Stories
Jynene has a Degree in Social Science and coordinated a program called Time Out funded by the Department of Education for at risk students in years 7, 8, and 9. Jynene was one of the founding members of the WFWP Australia and was International Vice President of WFWPI from 2000 to 2013.

Anne Fan: Tao Stories
Anne ( Juo-Wen ) Fan is a Master Teacher certified by the Tao Academy, and a Tao Hand Practitioner, Tao Calligraphy Master Practitioner, Tao Calligraphy Teacher and Direct Soul Communicator. Drawing from her background as a Mandarin teacher and Calligraphy teacher, Anne leads workshops, teleclasses and courses that empower you to improve every aspect of your life.

Annie Whitlock: Buddhist Stories
Annie is an accredited Buddhist chaplain and a mindfulness and meditation teacher. Being the Palliative Liaison Coordinator with the Buddhist Council of Victoria, she is on call for all major hospitals. As an end-of-life advocate or
death doula, Annie helps people finalise practical aspects.

Sue Mendelson: Progressive Jewish Stories
Sue completed a law degree at Melbourne University and admitted to the Vic. Supreme in 1974. She did a B.A. from Deakin Uni. in 1993 and M.A. History Monash in 2001. She took a master’s in arts at Monash in 1998 and
then an MA in history in 2001. Her passion is history, with a Jewish focus.

Cost: Free | Donations accepted