The “Nones” are the largest and fastest growing segment of the population on the religious landscape in America, according to the most recent Pew survey. In just the last five years, this group of willfully unaffiliated people has grown from 15% to 20% of the population. They are people who have no religious affiliation, and who don’t want one.

Giving birth was the most profoundly spiritual act of my existence. As the primal screams abated, a quiet elation filled my soul; I felt the power of a god creating new life. Then, when I looked into the eyes of my child, I beheld infinite knowledge. It was as if she held all the secrets and mysteries of the universe.

CASEY councillors have been warned to keep an open mind about a Doveton mosque — and, if they cannot do so, they should ask to be excused from voting on it.

On Monday 4th March, 6 Interfaith Networks from the Western Region of Victoria met at Sunshine Gallery to view the recently launched Faith 2 Faith Art Exhibition. The meeting was convened by the Faith Communities Council of Victoria and hosted by Brimbank Interfaith Network.

On Monday, February 11, 2013, Pope Benedict surprised many people throughout the world by announcing that he would resign from the papacy, effective 8:00 PM (Roman time) on February 28, 2013. While Benedict’s decision astounded many, he himself had already publicly stated that if a pope were no longer able to carry out the responsibilities of the office, he had the option, and possibly the obligation, to resign.

Benedict XVI’s papacy has been marked by ups and downs. There was more than one colossal “faux pas” (.e.g the Regensburg speech) with regard to Muslims (and the Bishop Williamson affair). Overall, however, Benedict generally kept intact the interreligious thrust of the Catholic Church generated by Vatican II. But he did not do much to advance that thrust beyond his predecessor John Paul II.

19 February 2013

A coalition of organisations and individuals from across Victoria have come together to reaffirm, in a joint statement, their support of Victoria’s multicultural and multifaith community.

On Friday 1st of February 2013, 70 people from various religious and spiritual traditions gathered for morning tea at Queens Hall Parliament House to celebrate the United Nations Interfaith Harmony Week.

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