
On Wednesday May 1, 2024, the Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC) hosted a multifaith service in Parliament. Here is a post from Viv Nguyen, VMC Chairperson.

Multifaith leaders

It was great to have Victoria’s leaders of faiths coming together yesterday in Parliament in solidarity to reaffirm a unified commitment to unity, love, peace and mutual respect. Faith leaders spoke words of empathy, compassion, shared responsibility and coexistence.

They wanted to visibly evidence their respect for the deep wisdoms and to keep doing together what have found to be beneficial at other times of difficulty, that is to come together offer our prayers and listening respectfully to the prayers of others.

In the words of one faith leader…”It is important that we do not allow fear or prejudice to drive a wedge between us, but rather that we respond compassionately and collaboratively. To combat hate in all its forms, and to reject intolerance and discrimination wherever it may appear, we must stand united.”

I appreciate the concluding remarks from Rabbi Ralph Genende from the Jewish Community Council of Victoria:

“Let us have dreams in this land of long dreams Let the hot winds from the desert fire our imagination Let the red soil of the plains keep us rooted to the things that matter. Let the waters of our rivers, lakes and oceans flow into our hearts giving us depth and understanding. Let us remember the original inhabitants of this land, their dreams and lingering song-lines and acknowledge their losses and endurance. May we stand strong and mighty as our mountains, be as gentle as our places are quite beauty. May the spirit of the great land into the hearts of our leaders and protectors and guide them with wisdom and integrity. Let our compassion, be like the encompassing coastlines of our singular continent. May peace move steadily and surely across this ancient and enduring land bringing hope and joy to all of its inhabitants.”

We can’t be what we can’t see and this visible evidence of unity is incredibly important.

A big thanks to the Minister for Multicultural Affairs and the Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police for joining along with Victoria's faith leaders.

Viv Nguyen
Chairperson, Victorian Multicultural Commission
Source (May 2, 2024)

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