Interfaith Conference on Tantra: MELA Interfaith Association

From November 14, 2015 08:30 until November 15, 2015 17:00

At Janssen Spirituality Centre, 22 Woodvale Road Boronia Vic, 3155

Hits: 2549

The MELA Interfaith Association in conjunction with Janssen Spirituality Centre would like to invite you to:

Classical Tantra in the World's Religions: The bliss that arises from the union of opposites
First Interfaith Conference on Tantra In Australia

Date: Saturday 14 November and Sunday 15 November 2015
Location: Janssen Spirituality Centre, 22 Woodvale Road Boronia Vic, 3155

The tantric tradition is ancient and extensive, influential and profound. However, in the West it has been gravely misunderstood. Even in India, it has come to mean sorcery and charlatanism.

The real aim of tantra is to reach the freedom that arises from the union of transcendence and immanence, emptiness and plenitude, male and female, light and darkness, beauty and horror, good and evil, strength and weakness, purity and impurity, human and divine, life and death. This paradoxical path is said to lead most effectively and rapidly to the highest state.

This conference on classical tantra wishes to explore the valuable contribution tantra has made in the past and can still make. Indeed, the essential elements of tantra are found in the Hindu tradition as well as in the Buddhist tantra, in Sufi love poetry, in the Jewish Kabbalah, in the yin and yang of Taoism and in the theme of mystical marriage in Christianity.

The conference will involve input by knowledgeable and experienced speakers in these religions as well as workshops and discussions on texts and imagery. It is probably the first of its kind in Australia.

Registration fees: $165 full, $135 concession (includes light lunches and refreshments). Accommodation is available for $55 per night (includes breakfast). Closing date 1-Oct-2015. Apply early as space is limited.

For more information: Rev. Dr. John Dupuche, President, MELA, mobile: 0417 560 087 email:

The MELA Interfaith Association is an incorporated not-for-profit organisation which seeks to promote the ties of friendship between members of different faith traditions in order to learn from each other's spiritual experience and to journey together in peace and harmony.