Welcome to FCCV

Established in 2010, the Faith Communities Council of Victoria (FCCV) is Victoria’s umbrella multifaith body. It is the successor to the Leaders of Faith Communities Forum, founded in 1995.

FCCV was created to contribute to the harmony of the Victorian community by promoting positive relations between people of different faiths and greater public knowledge and mutual understanding of the teachings, customs and practices of Victoria's diverse faith traditions.

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Hijra | Islam

On July 19, 2023

Hijra | Islam

islam hijra

Holy Day: Hijra

Date: Wednesday 19 July 2023*
Faith: Islam

Description: The Islamic year is marked by the event known as Hijra which occurred in 622 CE, when the Prophet Muhammad migrated from Mecca to Medina, where the first Islamic community was established.

* Begins at sundown on the previous day listed

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