Established in 2010, the Faith Communities Council of Victoria (FCCV) is Victoria’s umbrella multifaith body. It is the successor to the Leaders of Faith Communities Forum, founded in 1995.
FCCV was created to contribute to the harmony of the Victorian community by promoting positive relations between people of different faiths and greater public knowledge and mutual understanding of the teachings, customs and practices of Victoria's diverse faith traditions.
From November 11, 2017 11:00 until November 11, 2017 16:00
The Bendigo Interfaith Council invites you to:
Tour to Places of Worship around City of Greater Bendigo
Date: Saturday 11 November 2017 Time: 11am to 4pm
Starting at 10:50am and returning at 3:30pm: Sacred Heart Cathedral, MacKenzie St, BENDIGO
Bendigo is home to some of the most spectacular architecturally designed places of worship in Australia, including:
The Sacred Heart Cathedral in Bendigo: Constructed in the 19th Century and completed in the late 20th Century, it is one of the world's finest Gothic Revival cathedrals. The Cathedral is an icon of Bendigo and occupies a central place in the community for people of all faiths. It provides opportunities for tourism, the performing arts and many other avenues of community participation.
The Great Stupa of Universal Compassion: A Stupa is the most sacred monument in the Buddhist world. It is a symbolic representation of the fully Enlightened mind and the path to Enlightenment. As the sacred texts are the verbal expression of the Dharma, so the Stupa is its architectural expression. The Great Stupa of Universal Compassion, when fully completed, will be 50 metres (164 feet) square at its base and nearly 50 metres high making it the largest Stupa in the Western World.
Join us for a guided bus tour on Saturday November 11th to various places of worship around City of Greater Bendigo.
Tour commences 10:50am and finishes at 3:30pm at Sacred Heart Cathedral, MacKenzie St, BENDIGO
Cost: Free
Morning Tea & Lunch: Morning tea will be offered on arrival at Sacred Heart Cathedral. Sandwiches will be served 12:30pm on the bus - people with special dietary requirements will need to bring their own lunch.
Registration: For bookings go to - there are limited spaces so please register early.
Information: For more information ring Judy Causon (Bendigo Interfaith Council) on 0417 435 909.